Friday, December 20, 2019

The Ethics Of Virtue Ethics - 1796 Words

Although Hursthouse accepts that virtue ethics ‘†¦cannot tell us what we should do’, she nonetheless reasons in a different way to show how virtue ethics aids us. Furthermore, Hursthouse would refute virtue ethics being insufficiently action-guiding because we have v-rules in the form of virtues and vices to provide action-guidance (Hursthouse, 1999). Elizabeth Anscombe in ‘Modern Moral Philosophy’ (1958) also contributed to virtue ethics and put forward the idea that modern moral philosophy is misguided, asking if there can be any moral laws if there is no God. In turn questioning what does right and wrong even mean without a lawgiver? Her approach argued for a return to Aristotelian ethics, specifically on his idea of eudaimonia of†¦show more content†¦Despite these claims held by Aristotle, Hursthouse and Anscombe they are not strong enough to contend against the main assertion at hand of virtue ethics being insufficiently action-guiding. Such accounts fail ultimately because, they do not change the fact that virtue ethics does not provide any guidance for our actions. Principally, how can an ethical theory be judged on its sufficiency (hence why virtue ethics is insufficient) when it does not even promote any guidance for our actions in the first place? As a result of all the weaknesses discussed, it further validates my stance on how virtue ethics is insufficiently action-guiding. Despite virtue ethicists asking questions such as ‘how should I live my life?’ the fundamental problem continues to be echoed, for no guidance is given to support how I should do this. Robert Louden in ‘On Some Vices of Virtue Ethics’ supported this view, arguing how virtue ethics does not help anyone facing a crisis. This is primarily because virtue ethics fails to provide anything near to a rulebook for the moral life that a person could consult with, in shaping what they ought to do in certain situations. Surely, this is what is required for it to be seen as a successful moral theory and thus, explains why it provides little value to us as an action-guiding ethical system. Thus, virtue

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